Moo Daeng, a dog that gained fame on social media for mourning its dead owner outside a 7-Eleven store in Thailand, has found a new home with Princess Siribha Chudabhorn. The adoption follows weeks of social media attention, during which people compared Moo Daeng to Japan’s famous loyal dog, Hachiko.

The Heartbreaking Story of Moo Daeng

Moo Daeng’s story started in November 2024 when his owner died after a lengthy illness. Moo Daeng and the homeless man regularly passed by the 7-Eleven store in the Yamo Market, Nakhon Ratchasima. Each evening, Daeng would patiently wait outside this store for the return of the owner. The dog remained at the same spot even after his owner’s death and that was an expression of loyalty that reached the hearts of millions.

Moo Daeng’s heartbreak was first seen in January of 2025 after pictures of Moo Daeng waiting outside the store circulated through the internet. He waits for his deceased owner just like Hachiko, the famous Japanese dog that waits at the station for nine years for his owner. From social media around the world, people always responded with a desire to care for Moo Daeng to keep away all his heartbreak.

Support from 7-Eleven

Moo Daeng’s story attracted much attention, as the staff and owners of the 7-Eleven shop started taking care of the mournful dog. The dog was provided with blankets and toys as it continued its vigil. The store owners and employees took full responsibility for all the necessities of Moo Daeng, food, and shelter in this case.

As Moo Daeng’s support base enlarged, his fans began collecting funds for his medical treatment and rehabilitation. Princess Siribha Chudabhorn, the niece of King Maha Vajiralongkorn, brought more attention to him.

Announcement by Princess Siribha

On January 23, Princess Siribha made an official announcement on her Facebook page that Moo Daeng was under her care. She wanted to put an end to the worries of the fans regarding Moo Daeng, assuring them that she would take good care of the dog.

“To all of Moo Daeng’s fans, I want to bring you up to speed so you don’t have to worry, feel anxious, or have unanswered questions after all the recent drama,” the princess wrote. “I first learned about Moo Daeng through a video where people came together to raise money for the dog’s medical treatment. Concerned about his welfare, I offered to adopt the dog.”

Princess Siribha explained that Moo Daeng had been severely depressed since the loss of his owner. “All my dogs have experienced trauma, whether through abuse, abandonment, or injury. But in Moo Daeng’s case, it’s severe depression,” she said. “It is a condition that the mind cannot cope with.”

The princess continued, stating that people need to understand the psychosocial distress of animals: “I want to make everyone realize that this mental health condition, if not understood, can cause irreversible damage to Moo Daeng, emotionally and physically as well. While humans could hide pain and present well on the outside, dogs are pure. They show exactly how they feel.”

Moo Daeng’s New Life with the Princess

Immediately after the adoption proposal, Moo Daeng was sent to Kasetsart University Veterinary Hospital for proper checking. In two weeks, he would be transported to Princess Siribha’s home in Chiang Mai where she would adopt him and raise him with the rest of the other adopted dogs she has in her home.
It is heartwarming news, which can boost the spirits of Moo Daeng’s followers as it highlights emotional wellness in animals during times of grief.