Singer Mika Singh declared a Rs 1-lakh reward on January 16 to Bhajan Singh Rana, an auto driver who played the role of a real savior of actor Saif Ali Khan. He rushed him to Lilavati Hospital after someone attempted to mug Saif Ali Khan at his residence in Bandra and stabbed him six times.
In a post on his Instagram account, Mika Singh said, “I strongly believe he deserves a reward of at least Rs 11 lakhs for saving India’s favourite superstar. His actions are truly commendable.” He further added that people should share contact details for him to meet the man and to give him the reward in person.
Saif Ali Khan himself visited Rana in the hospital, before being discharged from the hospital and thanked him by embracing him. Saif’s mother, actress Sharmila Tagore also blessed Rana for saving her son in no time.
The attack occurred when Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad, who was an intruder, attempted to break into Saif’s home, Satguru Sharan. He stabbed Saif multiple times and fled. Saif was taken directly to the hospital in Rana’s auto rickshaw where he underwent two surgeries.
Shehzad was arrested by the police on January 19 from Thane. He was produced before the court and put under five days of police custody.
The magnanimous prize given by Mika Singh shows how important it is to help people in dire need, and Rana’s prompt thinking and courage have been in great appraises.