Czech carmaker Skoda has introduced the Kylaq, a new sub-compact SUV, in India with an entry price of ₹7.89 lakh. The company has actively highlighted the “Made in India” identity of this model, even allowing an Indian to choose its name. Reports reveal that the winning name, “Kylaq,” was suggested by a Quran teacher from Kerala, Mohammed Ziyad.

Skoda’s initiative aimed to give the SUV an Indian touch, launching a campaign to crowdsource name ideas from the public with the criteria that the name begin with “K” and end in “Q.” Entries poured in, and after several rounds, a handful of names were shortlisted. The winner of the contest will not only be India’s first Kylaq owner but will also receive the SUV for free. Additionally, ten finalists will tour Skoda’s headquarters in Prague. The shortlisted names open for public voting included: Kwiq, Kylaq, Kosmiq, Kyroq, Kariq, Karmiq, Kliq, and Kayaq.

Who Is Mohammed Ziyad?

Mohammed Ziyad, the winning contributor, is a young Quran teacher from Kasargod, Kerala. A graduate in English from the University of Calicut, he lives a humble life, having studied seven years at Malappuram’s Al Marjan Institute for Hafazath al Quran and holding a diploma from Jamia Yamaniyya Arabic College in Calicut. Skoda celebrated his win with a social media post: “Congratulations to Mr. Mohammed Ziyad from Kerala for winning the all-new #SkodaKylaq. He will be the first owner when it is launched next year.”

About the Skoda Kylaq

The Kylaq boasts a refreshed grille, 17-inch wheels, dual-tone bumpers, and split headlamps. At 3,995 mm in length, it offers generous interior space and an impressive 446L boot. Inside, it features dual-tone leather upholstery, an 8-inch digital cluster, and a 10-inch touchscreen with wireless Android Auto/Apple CarPlay. Other amenities include a cooled glove box, wireless charging, ventilated front seats, and a sunroof. Safety-wise, the Kylaq is equipped with six airbags, ABS with EBD, ESC, TPMS, ISOFIX mounts, and over 25 safety features. Built on the MQB A0 IN platform with 95% localization, it’s powered by a 1.0L TSI engine delivering 115 hp and 178 Nm, achieving 0-100 km/h in 10.54 seconds with a top speed of 188 km/h.