Double Olympic medalist Manu Bhaker reportedly left a Chennai event on Wednesday after a reporter questioned her mother about a viral video featuring her interaction with javelin star Neeraj Chopra during the Paris 2024 Olympics. Bhaker, 22, was attending an event at Velammal Nexus School in Chennai, where she was honored for her achievements.

Earlier this month, two videos from Paris went viral: one showing Chopra chatting with Manu Bhaker and the other depicting him interacting with her mother, Sumedha Bhaker. In the latter video, Sumedha Bhaker is seen holding Chopra’s hand during their lively conversation, which has garnered over a million views on X (formerly Twitter). The playful speculation that Mrs. Bhaker was assessing Chopra as a potential match for her daughter added fuel to the online buzz.

At the Chennai event, Bhaker faced several questions from journalists. One reporter inquired about the disqualification of wrestler Vinesh Phogat and the CAS (Court of Arbitration for Sport) verdict on her appeal, asking, “Vinesh’s judgement was politically motivated. What’s your opinion?”

Before Bhaker could respond, another reporter directed a question to her mother: “What was your conversation with Neeraj Chopra?” This query led Manu Bhaker to leave the event, as reported by Sportstar.

Manu Bhaker made history at the Paris Olympics 2024 by becoming the first Indian athlete since Independence to win two medals in a single edition of the Games. Neeraj Chopra also made headlines by winning a silver medal in men’s javelin, three years after his gold in Tokyo.