A unique and touching story is capturing hearts online after a man in Delhi used an unconventional method to help his barber replace a stolen phone. Rohit Saluja made headlines when he was seen wearing a t-shirt with a QR code in Connaught Place. The code directed passersby to a crowdfunding campaign aimed at raising funds for his barber, Sonu, who had recently fallen victim to a phone theft.

Saluja’s creative approach to supporting his barber has garnered widespread attention. The t-shirt bore the message, “Scan to know men have emotions,” which piqued the curiosity of onlookers and led to a viral moment. The story was shared by Pooja Sanwal on X (formerly Twitter), and it quickly resonated with many users.

The fundraiser, launched to help Sonu purchase a new phone, saw immediate success. As of July 16, the campaign had raised Rs 1,600. Thanks to the generosity of those who scanned the QR code and contributed to the cause, Sonu has received a brand new phone.

The incident highlights the positive impact of social media and technology in fostering human kindness and community support. Netizens have praised Saluja’s innovative method and expressed their admiration for the strong bond between men and their barbers. One user commented, “Men might not be loyal to their girlfriends, but they are definitely loyal to their barbers.” Another added, “Men can cheat with anyone but not with their barber.”

This heartwarming story has sparked a broader conversation about the creative ways people are leveraging technology to assist others and underscores the significance of empathy and compassion in today’s world.