In an unusual turn of events, a customer received a sealed empty glass from Swiggy after ordering a lime soda. Aaraynsh, the customer, shared a picture of the sealed, transparent, empty plastic container on X, which has garnered nearly 200k views.
Aaraynsh’s viral post humorously remarked, “Thanks, Swiggy, for sending me a sealed empty glass. I hope my lime soda will come in another order.”
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Following the post’s viral spread, Swiggy responded, calling the incident “odd” and promising to investigate. “Hi Aaraynsh! That seems odd, can you help us with your order ID? We’ll look into this,” Swiggy replied. Aaraynsh later confirmed that the issue was resolved, stating, “thanks, resolved now, received a refund of Rs. 80 for soda worth Rs. 120.”
The post elicited humorous reactions from other X users. One user commented, “It is after deducting GST, IncomeTax, still there is something left TDS is applicable.” Another joked, “They will send you one bucket of lime soda in the next order.”
In recent weeks, several cases of food contamination have been reported. A family found a dead mouse in a bottle of Hershey’s chocolate syrup ordered from Zepto, leading to one family member undergoing a medical examination after consuming the contaminated syrup.
In a separate incident, a Bengaluru couple received a package from Amazon containing a cobra. The couple had ordered an Xbox controller from the e-commerce platform and discovered the venomous snake wriggling out of the package’s duct tape.