Whether or not the taste of a dish changes after its price, a content creator embarked on a journey to taste different idlis at various price points. The simple journey from a Rs. 5 idli to an idli wrapped with edible gold worth Rs. 5000 started it. His reactions to all of these prepared from roadside stalls to lavish hotels led many into heated discussions on social media.
The video was shared by Instagram user Cassy Pereira, who noted, ‘First time eating gold,’ as he tasted different idlis across the spectrum. For his first taste, he stopped at a roadside shop where the idli priced at Rs. 5 was served. Then, the renowned Rameswaram Cafe in Bengaluru was visited by him, whose idli had cost Rs. 50. The Taj Hotel’s was the next item, priced at Rs. 500. Finally, there was the Rs. 5000 idli, the one with the 23-carat edible gold-plated paper.
Throughout the video, he rates each dish out of ten.
Social Media Reactions
Social media was abuzz with reactions. One user said, “Rs.5 idli is the best I have ever had,” and another commented with a joke, “Idli is supposed to be Rs. 5, bro wasted Rs. 5000.” The third person commented, “An unspoken truth is that fast food such as idly, dosa, upma, etc are always the tastiest in a small roadside hotel and the worst in bigger hotels. Reason? Bigger hotels have fridges, so they prepare the raw materials, such as batter, in bulk and store it in the fridge. Small hotels don’t have a fridge, so they prepare fresh batter daily.” A fourth comment read, “Selling Idli for 5000rs is an absolute crime even if it’s a seven-star hotel.”