David Rush, an American man who has set over 300 Guinness World Records, has claimed another one by hanging up clothes. Together with his wife, Jennifer, Rush set the new speed record by hanging 10 pieces of clothing in 51.8 seconds at their home in Idaho. The couple now holds the Guinness World Record for the fastest time to hang up 10 items of clothing as a team.

“Asking my wife to put away the clothes and then hurry up while doing it may have been one of the riskiest things I’ve ever done. But taking risks is sometimes what it takes to break Guinness World Records,” Rush joked.

“This record was for the fastest time to hang up 10 items of clothing, team of two. But it couldn’t just be any 10 pieces—Guinness has a list.”

To optimize their time, Rush rushed to the closet, only to find that some buttons were difficult to insert and some zippers were hard to close. “The selection process was nearly as brutal as The Bachelorette,” he said. Despite multiple attempts, the couple failed to beat the previous 57.87-second mark until they finally succeeded.

“When it was finally time to make an official attempt, we gathered the crew, mixed up the clothes, and started. On ‘Go,’ we grabbed and folded, clasped and zipped. We hung and flattened. And finally, after 51.8 seconds, the record was ours. We kissed, we collapsed with exhaustion.”


Rush, who holds at least 182 Guinness World Records, expressed how special it was to break another record, especially with his wife by his side. “To do it with my wife by my side made it even more special,” he wrote on his blog, Record Breaker Rush.