A Zomato delivery driver’s Diwali night video has gone viral, capturing the hearts of viewers who saw the dedication of a young man working while many celebrated with family. Ritik Tomar, who works as a part-time Zomato partner in Meerut, shared his Diwali experience on Instagram, where his post has now garnered 1.7 million views. Tomar documented his shift, which began at 5 pm with his first delivery, earning ₹40, and continued into the night, showcasing his routine of delivering orders to customers across the city.
In the video, Tomar candidly shared each delivery he made, including the income he earned. By the time he ended his shift around 11 pm, he had completed eight deliveries, earning a total of ₹310, not accounting for his fuel expenses and other overheads. While Zomato reportedly offered a special Diwali incentive, Tomar noted in the comments that he hadn’t received it. Many Instagram users expressed appreciation for his hard work on such a festive night, with one suggesting he take the day off. To this, Tomar humbly replied, “I can’t. I’m working because of my need.”
The video has struck a chord with viewers, who left encouraging messages for Tomar. From gratitude for his commitment to well-wishes for his future, the comments reflected a deep respect for the young man’s work ethic. Some users shared that Tomar’s story motivated them to continue supporting delivery platforms. With viewers rallying behind him, Tomar’s story has become a symbol of dedication and perseverance on a night typically reserved for celebration.
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