A Mumbai Instagram user has ignited controversy after making offensive comments about Karnataka and its residents, known as Kannadigas. The unidentified individual posted a series of reels on the platform, delivering derogatory remarks about the Indian state and its language. His inflammatory statements rapidly gained traction, leading to public outrage and demands for police action.

Apology Video Released Amidst Backlash

Following the backlash, the Instagrammer issued a public apology, stating, “For all my Kannadiga brothers and Karnataka people, lots of love to you all and apologies.” This came after he initially posted videos claiming that Kannadigas forced others to learn their language, while he emphasized that Hindi was more widely spoken and essential for breaking communication barriers. However, his comments were delivered in a disrespectful and offensive manner, which hurt the sentiments of many native Kannadigas.


Police Action Follows Viral Outrage

The viral nature of the videos led to widespread sharing and tagging of both the Mumbai and Bengaluru police. In response to the public outcry, authorities took action, with the Mumbai Police reportedly visiting the youth’s residence. They demanded that he remove the offensive videos, an effort made possible through the intervention of Bengaluru police.

Despite the backlash and police involvement, the Instagram user previously expressed defiance in one of his videos, stating, “If you say that you can’t say anything about Karnataka or we will kill you or do this or do that, mada**chod, ab toh aur video banaunga (I will make more videos now).” He added that he would not be intimidated by threats and would continue to post similar content, further inflaming tensions.

Community Calls for Respect and Understanding

The incident has highlighted the importance of respecting regional languages and cultures in India, a nation known for its diversity. Social media users have called for greater accountability and sensitivity from public figures and influencers, urging them to promote unity rather than division.