In Uttar Pradesh’s Kannauj district, a grand romantic gesture has captivated the local community. A lover proposed to his girlfriend, Aishwarya, through an extravagant hoarding on the busy GT Road near the electricity powerhouse in Makarand Nagar. The hoarding, featuring the message, “Marry me, Aishwarya,” also included a heartfelt declaration: “I am all yours since I met at first sight with you. I promise to be beside you till my last breath. No matter what!”
This bold display of affection drew smiles and admiration from passersby and quickly became the talk of the town. Authorities and residents were surprised by the gesture, which sparked both curiosity and delight. The police have since removed the hoarding and are investigating the circumstances surrounding its installation and the identity of the romantic individual behind it.
A local resident noted the rarity of such open displays of affection in today’s era, highlighting the unique impact of the proposal on the community. As the investigation continues, the mysterious lover’s gesture remains a topic of fascination and admiration in Kannauj.
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