A disturbing video has emerged, allegedly from a restaurant in Madhya Pradesh, showing live worms crawling on a pizza. The clip, shared on X (formerly Twitter), has shocked viewers and raised significant concerns about hygiene and food safety, quickly amassing over 861,000 views. The post’s caption reads, “Bro ordered a Pizza and found insects inside it, MP.”


The incident has prompted a wave of reactions on social media, with users voicing their worries about the quality standards of local eateries. “I’m assuming it’s not from well-known pizza outlets. But it also made me think as to why small food outlets can’t grow big… It’s all about aiming big with robust practices…” commented one user, stressing the importance of hygiene for businesses to succeed.

Amid the outcry, one user humorously noted, “Pizza is so good that the cheese becomes alive at some point!” But the majority of responses were critical, with many expressing disgust and calling for improved standards. “Yikes! These cases seem to be happening more and more lately. Restaurants really need to step up their hygiene standards…” said one commenter.

Calls for stricter hygiene regulations have followed, with several people urging authorities to enforce stronger safety measures. “That should be taken seriously, and a level of hygiene must be made mandatory by the authorities,” added another user.