At least 28 students, including several girls, from multiple campuses of the Punjab Group of Colleges in Lahore were injured on Monday during protests against the alleged on-campus rape of a female student. The clashes occurred after police resorted to baton charges to disperse the demonstrators, who had blocked roads and set fire to furniture in their demand for justice. The injured students were taken to Services Hospital, with one in critical condition, according to a Rescue 1122 official.
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Outrage Over Alleged Rape Sparks Widespread Protests
The protests began after reports surfaced on social media alleging that a female student at the Gulberg girls’ campus was raped by a security guard in the college’s basement. Students from various campuses quickly gathered to demand action, accusing the administration of negligence. Sharaz Abbas, a student involved in the protests, expressed frustration over the situation, claiming that the Punjab police used excessive force, including on female students. “The police brutally assaulted us, even inside the campus,” he said, vowing that the protests would continue until justice is served.