Congress spokesperson Ragini Nayak has accused senior journalist Rajat Sharma of verbally abusing her during a live debate. Nayak shared a video clip in which Sharma allegedly used an obscene curse word against her on air during a debate hosted by him, which took place during the Lok Sabha election results.
In response to the incident, Nayak posted the video clip on social media, stating, “The first video was brought to my attention on ‘X’! In this video, @RajatSharmaLive is seen using an obscene curse word against me On Air! I did a fact-check! I retrieved the raw footage of this same video from the channel (the second video). What could be a lower level of journalism than this? Do you have any answer, Rajat Sharma?”
Following the video’s circulation, many people came forward in support of Nayak and criticized Sharma for his behavior. Ankit Mayank, a user on X, condemned Sharma, stating, “This is how this vile man Rajat Sharma was mocking Rahul Gandhi & INDIA leaders few days back Today he got caught abusing a female opposition leader on Live TV Will female anchor Anjana, Rubika, Shweta or Palki grow a spine & condemn atleast now?”
Another X user named Rohini Anand expressed outrage, saying, “Rajat Sharma caught abusing Congress spokesperson Ragini Nayak on on Live TV. ‘Kya b******d’ — this is how he treats opposition female leaders. This is shameful, pathetic & outrageous at several levels. Strict action should be taken against him ASAP.”
Journalist Arfa Khanum Sherwani also weighed in on the matter, expressing disbelief, “Did Rajat Sharma really abuse @NayakRagini on air? Unbelievable, Condemnable.”
As of now, Rajat Sharma has not publicly commented on the incident.
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