Kiara Advani recently gave a nod to her Sindhi roots with a playful social media post. On Monday, November 18, she shared a mirror selfie from a washroom on her Instagram Stories, holding a golden toothbrush while wearing an oversized white T-shirt. Her caption, “Tell me you’re a Sindhi without telling me you’re a Sindhi,” humorously referenced the stereotype of Sindhis loving flashy items. Her shiny, golden toothbrush perfectly matched the description, giving her followers a fun glimpse into her cultural pride.
Just days earlier, Kiara stole the spotlight on the red carpet during the launch of a beauty brand in Mumbai. She dazzled in a red blazer dress adorned with giant rose motifs. Celebrities like Kareena Kapoor, Suhana Khan, Rajkummar Rao, Patralekhaa, Shahid Kapoor, and Mira Rajput also attended the event. Kiara later shared a carousel of pictures on Instagram showcasing her fiery look.
On the work front, Kiara will next appear in director S Shankar’s ‘Game Changer’. The film’s teaser was revealed on November 16 at a special event in Lucknow, attended by the lead cast, including Kiara and Ram Charan, alongside director S Shankar and producer Dil Raju. The teaser features Ram Charan portraying a police officer navigating corruption while holding a prestigious government rank. His journey transitions from UPSC preparation to intense action sequences, with the character declaring, “I am unpredictable.” Kiara’s role remains mysterious, with only brief glimpses of her character in the teaser.
Earlier, Kiara’s first-look poster from ‘Game Changer’ created a buzz online. Dressed in a mermaid-inspired blue gown embellished with beads, she looked stunning. The poster was captioned, “The magic of Global Star Ram Charan and the beautiful Kiara Advani.” Meanwhile, Ram Charan’s intense poster further heightened anticipation for the film.
‘Game Changer’ is slated to release on January 10, 2025. The cast includes notable names like Jayaram, SJ Suryah, Naveen Chandra, Anjali, Samuthirakani, Sunil, Nassar, and Srikanth.
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