In Kerala’s Calicut district, a violent confrontation between two rival factions paused momentarily to allow an ambulance to pass, showcasing an unexpected act of civility. The clash broke out during elections at a local cooperative bank, where tensions between the Congress party and a splinter group backed by the CPM boiled over into physical altercations.
The incident, captured on video and widely shared on social media, unfolded after the CPM-supported faction won control of the bank’s board of directors, ending the Congress party’s 61-year dominance.
Netizens dubbed the moment “The Kerala Story,” commending the combatants for prioritizing human life over their rivalry, even if briefly. “Being educated and civilised ensures you are responsible towards society as a whole. You act responsibly in situations and work for greater good,” one user commented.
This isn’t the first such gesture in Kerala. A similar instance occurred in 2020 during anti-CAA-NRC protests, where demonstrators made way for an ambulance despite the chaos. Such moments, though rare, highlight the value placed on human life even amid conflict.
“The sincerity of the crowd in giving way to the ambulance is appreciated despite the scuffle and fight,” wrote one social media user. Others found humor in the situation, with one remarking, “This is too damn funny and adorable at the same time.”
While tensions remained high, this fleeting act of responsibility has been lauded as a reminder of shared humanity amidst discord.
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