Netflix has officially announced that Fabulous Lives vs Bollywood Wives Season 3 will premiere on October 18. The upcoming season will see the return of the original cast, including Maheep Kapoor, Bhavana Pandey, Seema Sajdeh, and Neelam Kothari, alongside several new faces. Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, sister of Ranbir Kapoor and a jewelry designer, will make her OTT debut in this season. Kalyani Saha, the founder of Rezon Luxury Silverware, and Shalini Passi, entrepreneur and wife of PASCO Group’s Sanjay Passi, will also join the cast.
The show’s producer, Karan Johar, welcomed the newcomers via an Instagram story. He shared Netflix’s announcement post, stating, “A season 3 is rare and so are these glorious girls! They are back, and trust me this one is with a bang! We welcome the Delhi Divas to the Mumbai madness and the bolly wives and behens (or are they?).”
On the same day, Karan revealed the release date on Instagram, writing, “The fabulous gang is back, and they’re bringing in a spicy twist from Delhi! Mumbai aur Delhi ka ultimate showdown is about to go down in Fabulous Lives vs Bollywood Wives Season 3, arriving on 18th October, only on Netflix!”
Earlier, Karan stated, “After the success of the first two seasons, the challenge for both the teams at Dharmatic and Netflix was to figure out a way to give fans a season that has everything they love about the show and also manages to take them by surprise. So this season, the Bollywood Wives will step out of their comfort zone as they enter a new city and face off with Delhi’s best-known divas. What happens when the bling of Delhi excess battles it out against the swag of Bollywood star power?”
He added, “Season 3 will be entertaining, funny, emotional, dramatic, over the top…but at the heart of it all, it remains an exploration of the many faces of friendship. If you have watched and loved us in the last two seasons, we assure you Season 3 will be worth the wait.”
Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives first debuted on Netflix in 2020. Throughout the two previous seasons, the show featured guest appearances from several Bollywood celebrities, including Shah Rukh Khan, Gauri Khan, and Ranveer Singh.
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