A man was arrested on Monday for driving his Mahindra Thar onto a railway track in Jaipur, Rajasthan. Reportedly intoxicated, the man had driven his SUV onto the tracks to film a social media reel. The vehicle got stuck as he attempted to move it when he saw an oncoming goods train. Fortunately, the train’s loco pilot managed to stop in time, preventing any harm.
A viral video shows the man struggling to remove the car from the tracks, with some people and police officers nearby. After receiving help to pull the vehicle off, the man quickly reversed it about 20-30 meters onto the road and attempted to flee. In the process, he hit three people.
The police pursued him and arrested the man, while his car was seized. This incident highlights a disturbing trend of people recording videos on railway tracks, with several casualties reported nationwide from such reckless acts.
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