Isha Ambani, the daughter of India’s wealthiest man, was recently spotted inside her luxurious Bentley Bentayga, and the video has quickly gone viral. The attention-grabbing feature of the vehicle is its ability to change colours depending on the lighting, adding to the car’s luxurious appeal. The footage shows Isha in the opulent SUV, valued at around Rs 4 crore, as she leaves the residence of Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor. The Bentley Bentayga is known globally for its elegance, advanced technology, and exclusivity.

What Makes Isha Ambani’s Bentley Bentayga Unique?

Isha Ambani’s Bentley Bentayga V8, priced at Rs 4 crore, is notable for its distinctive colour-shifting effect. The vehicle is wrapped in an iridescent film that causes it to change its hue based on the angle of light. Initially, the luxury SUV has a white finish, but the colour-changing wrap gives it an ever-changing look. Under different lighting conditions, like in the shade, the car adopts shades of black or dark grey, adding to its visual intrigue, as reported by Cartoq.

This iridescent wrap, a popular customization among luxury car enthusiasts, enhances the car’s visual appeal and gives it a unique look from every angle. Isha’s Bentayga stands out not only because of its sophisticated design but also due to this personalized, exclusive feature.

Mukesh Ambani’s Lavish Car Collection

The Ambani family is known for its extravagant lifestyle, and their car collection is no different. With over 150 cars in the garage of their home, Antilla, the Ambanis indulge in the world’s most luxurious vehicles.

Some of the notable cars in the Ambani collection include:

  • Ferrari SF90 Stradale: A hybrid sports car with a 4.0L twin-turbo V8 engine, delivered as the first of its kind in India.
  • Mercedes Benz S660 Guard: One of the most expensive and secure vehicles in India, equipped with bulletproof glass, armor plating, and a twin-turbo 6.0L V12 engine.
  • Rolls Royce Phantom: The epitome of luxury, featuring a 6.75L V12 engine, it is one of the finest vehicles available in India.
  • Bentley Bentayga: Bentley’s top luxury SUV, available with a W12, V8, or hybrid V6 engine options, and one of the most sought-after SUVs globally.
  • Bentley Flying Spur: The sedan version of the Continental GT, available with multiple engine options including W12, V8, or hybrid V6, making it one of the most expensive sedans on the market.