Moo Deng, Thailand’s beloved pygmy hippo recently became the center of attention for her lighthearted and unexpected prediction about the 2024 US presidential election. In a fun-filled event hosted by her zoo, Moo Deng was given a choice between two pumpkins—each carved with the name of a prominent candidate: Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.
Moo Deng approached the pumpkins, leaving viewers in suspense. She quickly made her decision, munching on the pumpkin labeled ‘Trump’, while a larger hippo nearby chose the pumpkin marked ‘Harris’. The amusing video of her picking went viral, leading many to speculate whether Moo Deng’s ‘prediction’ would foreshadow the results of the upcoming election.
Well, turns out that the ‘prediction’ actually came to life as Donald Trump won the 2024 US Elections.
Watch the viral moment when Moo Deng ‘predicted’ Donald Trump’ victory:
Reactions to Moo Deng’s ‘Prediction’
The video sparked mixed reactions online. Some viewers embraced it as a playful moment, with one user commenting, “Hippo Fortune Teller.” Others took a more serious approach, with one saying, “I know this is for fun, and only the extreme left would feel angry for this, but I think Moo Deng should be above politics.”
Interestingly, the larger hippo, who picked the pumpkin with Harris’s name, sparked further debate. “Maybe show the full unedited video which would show that Mom did the choosing and picked Kamala while Moo Deng got the leftovers (Trump),” one individual pointed out, fueling the notion that Moo Deng might not have had much of a choice.
Allan Lichtman’s Missed Prediction
Meanwhile, election expert Allan Lichtman, often referred to as the ‘Nostradamus’ of politics for his accurate election predictions, faced his own misstep. Lichtman, who has predicted the outcomes of US elections since 1984, got it wrong in 2024 after he predicted that Kamala Harris would win.
‘Nostradamus’ predicted that Kamala Harris will win the 04 u Elections but during a live-streaming episode with his son, he realised that he was wrong about it.
Watch the moment when Lichtman realized his ‘prediction’ about Kamala Harris winning 2024 US Elections has gone wrong:
This marks just the second time in his career that he’s been wrong, following his incorrect prediction in the year 2000.