In a private school in Guwahati, students were greeted by a unique teacher adorned in traditional attire. Meet “Iris,” Assam and northeast India’s first artificially intelligent (AI) teacher, who promptly answered questions while draped in a traditional ‘Mekhela Chador’ and jewellery.
From explaining complex concepts like haemoglobin to engaging in interactive activities, “Iris” the AI Teacher captivated students with its ability to provide detailed explanations and perform gestures like handshakes. Developed in collaboration with Makerlabs Edu-tech under the Atal Tinkering Lab (ATL) project initiated by NITI Aayog, “Iris” represents a significant advancement in integrating artificial intelligence into education.
Equipped with a voice-controlled assistant, “Iris” offers personalized learning experiences and caters to diverse learning styles. The introduction of “Iris” marks a milestone in enhancing the learning journey and making education more engaging for students in the northeast region.
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So far, over 30 statements have been collected in connection with the incident.