Jimmy Donaldson, popularly known by his alias MrBeast, has left his fans stunned by sharing a $14 million “city” built as a set for his ambitious game show, Beast Games. He turned to X (formerly known as Twitter) to post pictures of the sprawling field being transformed into a cityscape to be used by contestants. “We spent $14,000,000 building a city in a field for the contestants in Beast Games to live and compete in. December 19th is almost here,” he announced.
Boasting a whopping 335 million subscribers, MrBeast is YouTube‘s most-followed creator. The new game show he will debut on Amazon Prime has been touted as “the world‘s largest live game show.” It promises daring stunts, monster trucks, a massive pirate ship, and the largest prize in television history—a $5 million grand prize.
In an interview to YouTubers KSI and Logan Paul, he unveiled the production cost exceeding over $100 million dollars and broke 40 world records. However, the question he clarified was about the profit, saying, “The goal is to make the best content possible, not make money.”
Generosity Amid Extravagance
Community support also came in through the production set, said to be constructed in Toronto, Canada. Items used in the show, such as mattresses, sleeping bags, and clothing, have been donated to local organiSations, according to MrBeast‘s representatives.
Contestant mistreatment allegations
Though grandiose in its form, the show has never been immune to criticism. Several reports surfaced claiming the treatment of the contestants by the producers is not sound. According to The New York Times, contestants complained about getting less than enough food and long wait times before the arrival of drugs or sanitary goods. The participants also claimed to be injured and needing medical treatment in some instances.
Five contestants are reportedly planning to file a class-action lawsuit against MrBeast, citing these grievances. While the YouTuber has refrained from commenting on the allegations due to ongoing legal proceedings, he has dismissed some claims as “disinformation.”
As the premiere date approaches, fans eagerly await the spectacle of Beast Games while the controversies cast a shadow over its anticipated debut