Tanna Dhaval, a YouTuber from India, has transformed a Honda Civic into a replica of the futuristic Lamborghini Terzo Millennio concept car, all within a budget of just Rs 12.5 lakh.

Dhaval documented the entire transformation process in a video, parts of which have gone viral on social media. The video captures the journey from a standard Civic to a striking Lambo look-alike.

As depicted in the video, Dhaval and his team used parts from the Civic, such as the cabin and engine, and mounted them on a homemade metal-pipe frame. They then covered this frame with a meticulously crafted fiberglass body to resemble the Terzo Millennio. They also incorporated parts from other vehicles, including the fuel tank from a Hyundai Santro and the suspension system from a Maruti Suzuki Alto. The exhaust system came from a Benelli 600i motorcycle. The final result is a model that closely mimics the sharp angles and aggressive design of the original concept car.

Although this replica may not match the speed or futuristic features of the actual Lamborghini concept, the YouTuber’s version has certainly captured widespread interest and demonstrated that ‘jugaads’ in India know no bounds. What do you think about this modification? Let us know in the comments below.

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