In a disturbing incident in Bengaluru, Dhruv Bhatia, founder of LocalPanda, narrowly escaped a near-fatal encounter with a water tanker. Bhatia recounted the terrifying experience on X (formerly Twitter), revealing that he came dangerously close to being hit by the vehicle twice.
Dhruv Bhatia described walking along the roadside in Kudlu Gate in Bengaluru when the tanker nearly brushed past him. Shocked, he confronted the driver, only to face a more dangerous threat. According to Bhatia, after the confrontation, the driver deliberately aimed the tanker at him. Bhatia had to quickly jump out of the way to avoid being run over. The driver then fled the scene.
In his post, Dhruv Bhatia expressed his shock and fear, emphasizing the disregard for human life and law that prompted him to share his story. “This is the first time someone tried to kill me in cold blood,” Bhatia wrote. He urged others to avoid arguments with strangers, citing his experience as a stark reminder of how quickly conflicts can escalate into violence.
The post has sparked widespread concern among social media users, who shared similar experiences and advised caution on Indian roads. Comments ranged from shock and relief to personal anecdotes about road rage. Bhatia’s post has garnered over 1.4 million views, highlighting the broader issue of road safety and the risks of confrontations.
Dhruv Bhatia’s alarming experience underscores the need for heightened road safety awareness and consideration for fellow road users. The incident has brought to light the dangers of road rage and the importance of avoiding unnecessary confrontations.
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