According to the latest Hurun India Rich List, individuals born under the Cancer sign had the most successful year, followed by Gemini and Leo. Cancer experienced an impressive 84 percent increase in cumulative wealth. Gemini closely follows with a significant 77 percent rise in wealth. In third place is Leo, with a 68 percent increase in cumulative wealth.

Sagittarius, with a 64 percent increase in wealth, and Libra, with a 61 percent rise, also rank among the top five. Capricorn saw a 58 percent increase in cumulative wealth, while Pisces experienced a 46 percent rise.

Aquarius and Virgo share the eighth position, each with a 39 percent increase in wealth. Aries, Scorpio, and Taurus occupy the final positions with wealth increases of 34 percent, 33 percent, and 32 percent, respectively.

Overall, Cancer leads in wealth growth, while Gemini tops the list in total contribution, representing 9.9 percent of the wealthiest individuals on the list. This group includes notable figures like Kumar Mangalam Birla and LN Mittal.

Scorpio and Aries also made a strong appearance on the list, with Sunil Mittal and Mukesh Ambani showing modest growth rates.