Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli became parents to their second child, a baby boy whom they named Akaay. Social media postings prompted people to quickly resort to Google in an effort to understand the meaning of his name. This led the search term “Akaay” to second position at Google’s Year in Search 2024.
Akaay is a Hindi word of Turkish origin. In Sanskrit, it refers to something that is “without kaay” (body or form), derived from the word “kaaya,” meaning body.
Akaay was the second most searched term under the “Meaning” section on the list, with “All eyes on Rafah” at the top. Other terms that appeared in the top five are “Cervical Cancer,” “Tawaif,” and “Demure.” Furthermore, search terms such as “Pookie,” “Moye Moye,” “Good Friday,” “Stampede,” and “Consecration” also made it to the top.
Google Trends data indicated several common queries associated with Akaay, including:
Some of the top most searched keywords of 2024 on Google were related to cricket like “Indian Premier League,” “T20 World Cup,” and “Bharatiya Janata Party.” Others searched include “Election Results 2024,” “Olympics 2024,” and “Excessive heat.
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