In a heart-wrenching incident, a 20-year-old woman in Madhya Pradesh’s Gwalior was tragically shot dead by her father just days before her wedding. The horrifying act occurred in the presence of police officers after the woman publicly opposed her family’s decision to arrange her marriage against her wishes.
The victim, identified as Tanu Gurjar, was murdered on Tuesday evening in the Gola Ka Mandir area of Gwalior. Tanu had recently posted a video on social media, accusing her family of coercing her into an unwanted marriage. In the video, she expressed her desire to marry her long-term partner, Bhikam “Vicky” Mawai, a resident of Agra, Uttar Pradesh.
In the 52-second video, Tanu named her father, Mahesh Gurjar, as the primary oppressor and voiced fears for her safety. “I want to marry Vicky. My family initially agreed but later refused. They beat me daily and threaten to kill me. If something happens to me, my family will be responsible,” she stated.
Her social media post caught widespread attention, prompting police intervention. Officers, led by Superintendent Dharmveer Singh, arrived at her home to mediate the escalating conflict. A community panchayat was also in progress to resolve the issue.
During the intervention, Tanu requested to be taken to a One-Stop Centre, a government facility for women facing violence. However, her father insisted on a private conversation, claiming he could resolve the matter peacefully.
Instead, Mahesh retrieved a country-made firearm and shot his daughter in the chest. Rahul, Tanu’s cousin, fired additional shots at her head and neck, ensuring her death. The attack left Tanu lifeless at the scene.
The assailants then turned their weapons toward police officers and family members, threatening further violence. While Mahesh was subdued and arrested, Rahul fled the scene with the weapon.
The incident has left the local community in shock, particularly as it unfolded amidst wedding preparations. Tanu’s wedding was scheduled for January 18, just four days after her murder.
Police have arrested Mahesh and confiscated the firearm used in the crime. Efforts to apprehend Rahul are ongoing. Law enforcement is also examining Tanu’s social media activity for additional evidence.
This tragic incident highlights the deep-rooted challenges of societal pressures, honor-based violence, and the urgent need for stronger protective measures for women asserting their autonomy.
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