Following recent cloudbursts across Himachal Pradesh, rescue operations have been launched by the National Disaster Response Force, Indo-Tibetan Border Police, local police, and home guards. The cloudbursts, which occurred late last night in the Samej Khad area of Rampur in Shimla district and Thaltukhod in the Padhar subdivision of Mandi district, have caused significant damage. In Kullu district’s Tosh Nallah, a flash flood triggered by a cloudburst swept away a footbridge, three makeshift sheds, and a liquor shop.
As search and rescue efforts continue, social media users are sharing alarming visuals from the affected regions on X, revealing the severity of the situation and the challenges faced by residents.
See Visuals Below:
The local meteorological office has issued an orange alert for severe to very heavy rain, thunderstorms, and lightning across seven districts of Himachal Pradesh for Wednesday and Thursday. Additionally, a yellow notice has been issued for heavy rain in isolated areas on August 2 and 3. The monsoon activity is expected to intensify, with widespread rainfall anticipated over the next several days.
Heavy to very heavy rainfall is predicted in Una, Bilaspur, Hamirpur, Kangra, Mandi, Shimla, and Sirmaur districts on Wednesday and Thursday. The department also warned of potential landslides, flash floods, and damage to plantations, crops, and vulnerable structures due to strong winds and waterlogging in low-lying areas.
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