A heartwarming video from flood-hit Malaysia has captured the kindness of a young boy, earning widespread praise online. The 22-second clip shows the boy wading through knee-deep water, cradling three cats in his arms while carrying a bag. He carefully navigates the waterlogged road and reaches a dry area, where he gently places the cats down. The video has gone viral, showcasing a selfless act during challenging times.
Shared on a Facebook page, the video celebrates the boy’s compassionate gesture. In the clip, other children can be seen observing the rescued cats. The post has drawn admiration from netizens, with many commending the boy for his efforts.
One user commented, “The kid may be small, but he has a big heart.” Another wrote, “Thank you, kind-hearted brother.” Others expressed their gratitude, with someone saying, “The cats were excited to meet the mainland,” and another adding, “May this child’s sustenance be blessed, and may God protect him from harm.”
The video has struck a chord with viewers, with many remarking how it restores faith in humanity.
Meanwhile, severe floods caused by monsoon rains continue to wreak havoc in Malaysia and southern Thailand, leaving over 30 dead and displacing thousands. The floods have destroyed rice fields, roads, and homes. Authorities have implemented evacuation plans, bracing for further rainfall in the region.