A man from Pune, Abhay Chaugule, has gained widespread attention on social media after sharing an emotional appeal to retrieve his stolen scooter, which he considers his last connection to his late mother. Standing on JM Road, Abhay posted his plea on Instagram, asking for help to find the black Activa that was taken on Dussehra night near the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj statue in Kothrud. Despite searching the area, he couldn’t locate the vehicle and has since lodged a police complaint.
The scooter, purchased by his mother before she passed away from cancer three months ago, holds deep sentimental value for Abhay. His father also passed away two years earlier due to COVID-19.
In the Instagram post, Abhay held up two signs. One read: “My black Activa MH14B6036 was stolen on Dussehra, it’s my mother’s last memory. Please help me find it. 9766617464.” The second message was aimed at the thief: “Humble request to the thief who stole my Activa, my mother bought this after a lot of hard work. It’s her last memory, please return it. I will buy you a new vehicle, but please give back my mother’s scooter.”
Abhay’s heartfelt post, captioned “Plz help me find My BLACK ACTIVA MH14BZ6036. It was stolen from Kothrud on Dassara Night. Plz contact me on 9766617464 or DM on this id @abhayanjuu,” quickly went viral, garnering sympathy and support from users across social media.
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