A buffalo named “Anmol” from Haryana is once again making waves online and at agricultural events across India. The prized animal, famous for its presence at events like the Pushkar Mela and recently the All-India Farmers’ Fair in Meerut, has drawn widespread fascination due to its jaw-dropping valuation and unique features.

Anmol: The 1500-Kg Buffalo with a Rs 23 Crore Price Tag

Anmol, an eight-year-old buffalo weighing 1500 kg, originates from Sirsa, Haryana, and holds a staggering price tag of Rs 23 crore. Known for its massive size and valued lineage, Anmol has become a sought-after attraction wherever it goes. Jagat Singh, who accompanied the buffalo to the fair, highlighted that the animal’s value increases at each event due to high interest from prospective buyers.


Meet Anmol The $2.7 million Buffalo
byu/udhayam2K ininterestingasfuck

A Viral Sensation at Pushkar and Meerut Fairs

After achieving fame last year at the Pushkar International Cattle Fair in Ajmer, Anmol returned to captivate visitors at Meerut. Despite multiple offers reaching the Rs 23 crore mark, current owner Palmindra Gill stated he has no plans to sell. Gill showcased Anmol at the Pushkar Mela, where many visitors and cattle enthusiasts expressed admiration for the majestic animal.

Anmol’s High-Demand Semen Benefits Cattle Farmers

Beyond its impressive valuation, Anmol’s semen is also in high demand among cattle farmers. Reportedly, it is collected twice a week and distributed widely, aiding in the improvement of local livestock breeds. This unique aspect of Anmol adds to its value and appeal in the agricultural sector.

Anmol’s Worth: A Sum Comparable to Luxury Cars and Real Estate

Anmol’s Rs 23 crore price tag could buy an array of luxury items, including two Rolls-Royce cars, ten Mercedes-Benz vehicles, or more than a dozen luxury homes in Noida. This staggering comparison underlines just how valuable Anmol is to its owners and the agricultural community.

Anmol the buffalo, with its colossal weight, remarkable breeding potential, and viral presence at fairs, has become a symbol of pride in India’s animal husbandry scene. Whether or not it changes ownership, Anmol’s fame continues to rise, drawing attention at every event it graces.