In a heartfelt homage to the late industrial titan Ratan Tata, billionaire Harsh Goenka shared a poignant letter that Tata penned to former Prime Minister Narasimha Rao in 1996. This letter, written during a crucial moment in India’s economic transformation, expresses Tata’s deep appreciation for Rao’s leadership in opening up the country to global markets.
Goenka, the chairman of RPG Group, shared the letter online, remarking, “Beautiful writing from a beautiful person…” The letter emphasized Tata’s belief that, “Every Indian should owe you a debt of gratitude for the courageous and far-sighted ‘opening up’ of India.” The letter resonates even today, reminding the nation of Tata’s foresight and unwavering commitment to India’s progress.
Before revealing the letter, Goenka had already confirmed the news of Ratan Tata’s passing via a post on social media platform X (formerly Twitter), writing:
“The clock has stopped ticking. The Titan passes away. Ratan Tata was a beacon of integrity, ethical leadership, and philanthropy, who has imprinted an indelible mark on the world of business and beyond. He will forever soar high in our memories. R.I.P.”
Ratan Tata, who passed away at 86, was more than just an industrialist. Known for his philanthropy and deep love for animals, particularly stray dogs, his legacy extends far beyond the corporate world. Following his passing, Maharashtra government offices lowered the national flag to half-mast as a mark of respect for the man who shaped modern India’s business landscape.
Tata’s love for animals was as legendary as his business acumen. He was especially devoted to stray dogs, often speaking about the need to protect them, particularly during harsh weather conditions. In 2018, despite being slated to receive a Lifetime Achievement Award from King Charles III, Tata opted to stay home to care for his ailing dog, demonstrating his immense compassion.
Harsh Goenka’s decision to share Ratan Tata’s heartfelt 1996 letter serves as a touching reminder of Tata’s deep-rooted love for India and his unshakeable belief in the country’s potential. It is a tribute not only to Tata’s legacy but also to his unwavering support for India’s growth and transformation.
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