A recent video showcasing Gurgaon police officers, including senior officials, engaging in a ‘Harinam Kirtan’ session has gone viral, eliciting a range of reactions from the online community. The footage captures police personnel clapping and chanting along with members of ISKCON Gurugram inside the office of the Gurgaon Commissioner. This event was part of a stress management program organized by ISKCON Gurugram on Police Day, aimed at equipping officers with effective coping mechanisms for their demanding roles.
Led by Aradhya Gaura Prabhu, the kirtan session was designed to provide a calming and spiritually enriching experience for the officers. According to an ISKCON statement, the initiative received positive feedback from senior officials, including the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner of Police, both of whom expressed appreciation for the program’s goals.
The video has ignited a lively discussion online, with some users praising the initiative for its innovative approach to addressing police stress. One supporter commented, “I see nothing wrong with this; they’re performing Harinam Kirtan, which is truly soothing to hear. ISKCON contributes immensely to society by spreading the wisdom of ancient scriptures and uplifting us through Harinam.”
However, not everyone shared this enthusiasm. Critics expressed concerns over the practicality of such activities in a law enforcement context. One user questioned, “What if you dial 100 for an emergency and the police are busy with Harinam Kirtan? Will it be soothing to hear?” This sentiment was echoed by others who sarcastically remarked, “Way to go,” and “What a fall,” indicating skepticism about the appropriateness of kirtan in a police environment.
While the initiative aims to foster inner peace among officers amid the pressures of their work, the responses highlight a crucial conversation about balancing spiritual practices with the immediate responsibilities of law enforcement. As the Gurgaon police explore innovative methods for stress management, the effectiveness of such approaches in practical scenarios remains a topic of public interest.
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