Gurugram was hit by a heavy downpour on Wednesday, resulting in severe waterlogging and traffic jams. The Regional Weather Forecasting Center, New Delhi (RWFC New Delhi) had predicted light to moderate rainfall. As the city struggled with the deluge, residents took to social media to post images and videos of the submerged streets. The visuals depicted a chaotic scene in the Millennium City.
“Gone are the days when Gurugram roads would turn into streams; we now have mini oceans on roads with waves. Who needs water parks here? This is SPR,” commented one resident.
Another frustrated user commented, “What should we call this? River Facing or Sea Facing? This is the state of the roads in front of the 100 crores Camillias and Magnolias on Golf Course Road in Gurgaon. This is the result of just half an hour of rain, and people here will still buy flats in 100 crores.”
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