Jasveer Singh, co-founder of the Join Hood App, recently caused a stir on social media by sharing a snapshot of his two-month electricity bill, which amounted to over Rs. 45,000. The staggering total not only caught the online community’s attention but also left many in disbelief. Singh’s post, which included a snapshot of the bill payment via Paytm for Rs. 45,491, prompted numerous reactions in the comments, with people expressing their surprise at the hefty sum.
“Paid the electricity bill, now thinking of switching to candles,” Singh wrote in his post.
Shared on June 23, the post has since garnered close to 3,000 likes, with the numbers continuing to rise. The post has also attracted numerous comments.
Here’s how people reacted:
One individual wrote, “So- the size of your house? ACs, lights, washing machine, dryer, etc. If you consume electricity units, you will have to pay that much- and you didn’t specify two months, so you conveniently ignored that! Please minimize your electricity consumption, or else cough up the money! No point in putting it out on social media & sensationalizing it!”
Another user, Radhika Dani, commented, “Get solar. We got it three years ago and are damn satisfied with our almost zero bills now in this city heat of 40-45.”
A third person said, “If it’s real and you have your own house, then switch to solar. We have done that and are really happy with the results. A one-time investment will keep you happy for many years.”
Someone else posted, “Did they charge you wrongly or you used ACs too much? How many ACs do you have in your house and how long did they run for?”
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