A strange incident occurred in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, where the wedding procession took a dramatic turn when a thief snatched currency notes from a cash garland of a groom. The groom, riding a horse as part of the rituals, was left in hot pursuit.
Thief Snatches Cash During Baraat
The wedding celebration took a sour turn when a man managed to steal one of the currency notes from the groom’s garland, causing a commotion in the baraat. Determined not to let the thief ruin his special day, the groom dramatically dismounted his horse and chased after the culprit.
#मेरठ में दुल्हा घुड़चढ़ी पर था. उसकी नोटों की माला से एक चोर नोट खींचकर भागा
शादी की रस्में छोड़कर दुल्हा चोर के पीछे भागा. चोर ने लोडर स्टार्ट किया और निकलने लगा. दौड़ते लोडर में खिड़की से दूल्हे ने एंट्री मारी तो चोर लोडर छोड़ भागने लगा
दूल्हे ने चोर पकड़ा और जमकर धुनाई की pic.twitter.com/7liYToncMP
— Narendra Pratap (@hindipatrakar) November 24, 2024
Groom Climbs Moving Truck to Confront Thief
Visuals from the scene show the groom running after a mini-truck, reportedly driven by the thief. In a display of grit, the groom jumped onto the moving vehicle, gripping its railing tightly before maneuvering into the driver’s cabin through the window.
Crowd Supports Groom’s Vigilante Justice
As the groom confronted the thief, a biker blocked the mini-truck’s route, preventing an escape. The groom, in a fit of rage, punched the thief repeatedly. Soon, other members of the wedding procession joined in to reprimand the thief.
Videos of the incident have gone viral on social media, sparking both amusement and debate about the dramatic turn of events. Despite the chaotic scene, the groom eventually returned to his wedding, earning praise for his determination to retrieve his stolen cash.