Google has brightened up the digital realm with an animated Doodle to mark the beginning of the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris on Friday. This year, the City of Light showcases a blend of innovation and tradition as the opening ceremony takes place not in a stadium but along the historic Seine River.

The Doodle features animated athletes joyfully drifting down the Seine, capturing the celebratory atmosphere. It’s a vibrant display of colors and movement that reflects the unity and excitement of the Olympic Games.

Clicking on the Google Doodle directs you to the latest updates about the Games.

Although the competition started two days prior to the opening ceremony, the day’s highlight will be the grand parade of athletes from over 200 countries and the iconic lighting of the Olympic cauldron.

Paris will host athletes competing in 329 events across 32 sports disciplines for the 33rd edition of the Olympics. The Games, concluding on August 11, introduce four new sports — breaking, skateboarding, surfing, and sports climbing — in addition to the 28 traditional Olympic sports.

India’s team for Paris 2024 comprises 117 athletes — 70 men and 47 women — across 16 sports disciplines, competing in 69 events with a goal of securing up to 95 medals. The team includes five Olympic medalists: Neeraj Chopra, Mirabai Chanu, P.V. Sindhu, Lovlina Borgohain, and the men’s hockey team.