Ukrainian vlogger Svitlana Haienko, currently residing in Goa, had her first taste of vada pav at a local shop, an experience she documented in a video shared on Instagram. What surprised her even more was a kind gesture from a customer at the shop, who offered to pay for her vada pav and explained the reason behind his generosity.
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“It’s tasty and so delicious,” Svitlana remarked to the shopkeeper, who introduced himself as Rupesh and mentioned that the shop has been running for 40-50 years and is renowned in Goa. Engaging in conversation with a local enjoying vada pav, Svitlana expressed her amazement at the flavor and texture of the Indian snack. In the caption of her post, she shared her astonishment at the shop’s longevity and the gesture of the customer who paid her bill, expressing support for Ukraine.
In the comments section, numerous users urged Svitlana to visit the Taj Mahal in Agra and recommended trying Amritsari Kulcha in Punjab. With over 49,000 followers on Instagram, Svitlana frequently shares vlogs of her experiences in India.
The heartwarming encounter underscores the universal appeal of food in bridging cultures and fostering connections, as well as the kindness of strangers in unexpected situations. Svitlana’s exploration of Indian cuisine and culture continues to captivate her audience, offering glimpses into the richness and diversity of the country’s heritage.