In a recent development from the ongoing investigation into the shooting at Bollywood actor Salman Khan’s residence, jailed gangster Lawrence Bishnoi’s brother, Anmol Bishnoi, is revealed to have given a nine-minute “motivational” speech to the attackers before the incident. The Mumbai Police’s crime branch filed a comprehensive chargesheet detailing the events leading up to the shooting that occurred on April 14.

According to the chargesheet, Anmol Bishnoi addressed the shooters, Vicky Gupta and Sagar Pal, through an audio message, urging them to make their mark in history with the attack. The message was recorded just before Gupta and Pal, who were on a motorcycle, opened fire outside Salman Khan’s home in Galaxy Apartments, Bandra.

In his address, Anmol Bishnoi emphasized the importance of their mission, calling it an opportunity to perform “the best work” of their lives. He told them that their actions would not only make a significant impact but also be considered “religious work” that could bring about societal change.

Anmol’s speech included specific instructions for the shooting. He advised Gupta and Pal to empty their gun magazines during the attack and to avoid wearing helmets or taking precautions to maintain a fearless appearance. His directive aimed to ensure that the attack would intimidate Salman Khan.

The chargesheet reveals that Anmol Bishnoi maintained constant communication with the shooters leading up to the incident. The police have arrested Gupta, Pal, and three others involved in the case—Sonukumar Bishnoi, Mohammad Rafiq Choudhary, and Harpal Singh. They are currently in judicial custody.

Lawrence Bishnoi, along with Anmol and another associate, Rawtaran Bishnoi, are also named as wanted suspects in the chargesheet. Anmol Bishnoi, believed to be in Canada, has a lookout circular issued against him.

This new information highlights the premeditated nature of the attack and the extent to which the Bishnoi gang orchestrated the incident. The case continues to unfold as authorities investigate further.