A tense situation unfolded at Basti railway station in Uttar Pradesh when a group of irate passengers vandalized the Antyodaya Express train on Tuesday night. The passengers were reportedly angered by the locked doors of the train, which prevented them from boarding. In a viral video, the passengers can be seen using stones to shatter the glass of the entry door and attempting to break the iron bars on the windows. One individual was even seen using the opening to enter the train.
The incident, which occurred around 10:30 pm, was triggered by overcrowding aboard the train. According to reports, passengers inside the train had locked the coach to prevent others from boarding. This action angered the waiting passengers at Basti railway station, leading to the destructive outburst. Witnesses say that the unruly passengers were frustrated by their inability to board due to the crowded conditions.
In response to the incident, Chandra Mohan Mishra, the senior divisional security commissioner of Northeastern Railway, confirmed that the vandalism had been captured on footage. Mishra added that security teams were working to identify the individuals responsible for the attack. As of now, no arrests have been made, and investigations are ongoing.
While the incident caused significant chaos and led to a stampede on the train, no major injuries have been reported. The railway authorities have yet to issue further statements regarding any potential changes to boarding protocols to prevent future incidents.
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