Chairman of Forum For Indian Institute of Technology-Joint Entrance Examination, DK Goel, is facing outrage after a video surfaced reportedly showing him yelling at staff members in a video-conference meeting. FIITJEE is one of India’s premier coaching institutes preparing students for the IIT Joint Entrance Examination, JEE, and recently, has faced allegations regarding delayed salary disbursement, besides allegations of a poisonous work culture.
The video, which is viral on Instagram, is posted by a page called Dalimss News. It shows Goel in a heated exchange during a Zoom meeting with several center heads. It all started when an employee from the Thane branch raised a question regarding FIITJEE Edfora’s 142 crore investment in another EdTech company. Goel reportedly got angry with the question and lashed out at the staff member.
In the video, Goel is heard screaming, “Useless people… what kind of shit people are these? Do you know the name of your father, the person who has written this? Nonsense. Go ask your mother who your father is.” He went on to continue his rant, stating, “Why don’t you talk about Adani investing so much money?”
This incident was further exacerbated when Goel asked, “Who is this bloody person? Throw him out of Mumbai.” Another voice in the meeting coolly intervened, saying, “Why are you getting angry? If it is wrong…say it politely.” Goel shot back angrily and termed the person as “bastards” and commented on his behavior saying, “Indecency ki hadd hai (this is the limit of indecency). Whoever this person is, I don’t want to see him in FIITJEE.”
The video has gone viral on social media and has caused much controversy with serious questions raised about the leadership style and ethics at work of Goel. Many have condemned his harsh language and unprofessional conduct, especially in an official setup. The incident has further fueled the existing concerns about the work environment at FIITJEE, which is already under attack for employee grievances such as delayed salary payments.
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