A bizarre incident in Yongning County, China, has captured public attention after a 10-year-old boy used an unexpected tactic to retaliate against his father for scolding him. The boy called the police and reported his father for possessing illegal poppy pods, resulting in the father’s arrest.
The Incident
According to local reports, the event occurred on January 9 when the boy was reprimanded by his father for failing to complete his homework on time. Upset by the scolding, the child left the house, borrowed a phone from a shopkeeper, and called the police to report his father. He claimed that his father was hiding poppy pods at their home, a serious offense under Chinese law.
Why Are Poppy Pods Illegal in China?
Poppy pods contain opiates like codeine and morphine, substances with potential for misuse. The South China Morning Post (SCMP) reported that poppy seeds and their cultivation are strictly regulated in China. Growing poppies without government authorization is prohibited, with offenders facing fines or imprisonment.
The Police Search and Arrest
Acting on the boy’s tip-off, police from the Chengguan Police Station of Yongning County Public Security Bureau located the child, who then guided them to his house. A search of the property revealed eight poppy shells hidden in a balcony cabinet.
The father admitted ownership of the pods, claiming he kept them for medical purposes. However, possession of such items without proper authorization remains illegal. The case was transferred to the anti-drug brigade for further investigation, and the father was taken into custody.
Public Reaction
The unusual sequence of events has sparked widespread discussion on social media, with many debating the boy’s actions and the father’s responsibility. While some view the boy’s act as extreme, others see it as a reflection of strained familial relationships and the risks of keeping illegal substances at home.
This case serves as a reminder of China’s strict regulations on substances like poppies and the unpredictable outcomes of domestic conflicts.