In a disturbing incident in Uttar Pradesh’s Fatehpur district, a local shopkeeper was abducted and extorted by a group of criminals who filmed him in a compromising situation. The incident reportedly occurred on the night of November 4 when the victim was returning home from his sweet shop.
According to police reports, Karthikeya Yadav from Kanpur intercepted the shopkeeper at gunpoint and forced him into a car, driving him to a nearby printing press in Dhata. Upon arrival, Yadav’s accomplices, Hrithik Singh and Amar Singh, were already waiting.The group then allegedly stripped the shopkeeper, recorded the assault on video, and demanded a ransom of INR 5 lakh, threatening to release the video if their demands weren’t met.
In fear for his life, the shopkeeper managed to negotiate the sum and paid INR 1.5 lakh. However, the criminals later contacted him again, demanding the remaining balance. Unable to endure further harassment, the victim filed a police complaint, prompting authorities to launch an investigation. Police have registered a case under the relevant sections and are actively searching for the suspects to bring them to justice.
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