Prabhas and director Nag Ashwin have collaborated on the futuristic sci-fi film Project-K, featuring Deepika Padukone as the female lead. An upcoming announcement about another prominent actor joining the cast has created buzz. Alongside Prabhas and Deepika, the film includes Disha Patani, Amitabh Bachchan, and other notable actors. Vyjayanthi Movies is producing the film, with music composed by Santhosh Narayanan. Fans can look forward to the worldwide release of Project-K on January 12, 2024. The addition of veteran actor Kamal Haasan to the cast has generated excitement among netizens and fans.
One fan welcomed Kamal Haasan, referring to him as the greatest actor and stating that the journey of Project-K has now become universal. Another fan speculated that Kamal Haasan’s character in the film might be related to or possess powers similar to Vanama, an avatar of Lord Vishnu known for covering the entire Earth with one step to defeat Mahabali, an Asura. A fan expressed enthusiasm about Project-K bringing together India’s biggest superstars, including Prabhas, Kamal Haasan, and Amitabh Bachchan.
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