In a disturbing turn of events, a deputy director of a Ministry of Defence training institute became the latest victim of a snatching incident in Lodhi Colony, South Delhi. The attack occurred on September 26, when two men on a motorcycle snatched her iPhone 15 Pro, leaving her with facial injuries. The victim, who had been dining with friends at a restaurant, was targeted as she stepped outside around 9:40 PM. The assailants, wearing blue and black clothing and covering their faces, swiftly approached on a red motorcycle.
Police Investigation Underway Following the Incident
The woman promptly reported the crime to the police, stressing the loss of critical personal and office data stored on her phone. She expressed concern over the impact of the theft, particularly given the nature of her office-related data. In response, Delhi Police have launched an investigation, forming multiple teams to review CCTV footage from the area to identify the assailants. A case has been registered under sections 304 (2) (snatching) and 3 (5) (common intention) of the Indian Penal Code, as authorities work to trace the criminals.
Man creates an AI gun that can take voice commands to fire at different colored objects.
Let’s just hope it can only color-track for inanimate objects.
“ChatGPT, begin color tracking on the color black,” the man said.
The weapon uses a color-based tracking system that works…
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) January 16, 2025
Alarming Trend of Snatching Incidents in Delhi
This incident is part of a rising trend in Delhi, as highlighted by recent police data. Just days before the deputy director’s attack, a 40-year-old CRPF constable also had his phone snatched while waiting at a bus stop in the same area. According to Delhi Police, 4,316 snatching cases had been reported in the city as of August this year, signaling an urgent need for enhanced safety measures and vigilant policing in public spaces.