Eid-ul-Fitr festivities were in full swing at Delhi’s Hazrat Nizamuddin Dargah and Nizamuddin Market, as Muslims decorated the streets with vibrant clothing to offer prayers. Bright yellow lights cast a festive ambiance around the historic Nizamuddin dargah dome, preparing the scene for Thursday’s Eid celebrations. The markets were packed with people greeting each other on Eid and buying clothes, candy, and other necessities for the celebration. On Eid, a sizable crowd gathered at the famous Jama Masjid to offer prayers.

To ensure a safe and peaceful Eid celebration, enhanced security measures were implemented in the national capital, with thorough checks conducted by the police on vehicles and individuals. Barricades were set up to manage the expected influx of visitors to the dargah later in the day.

Eid ul-Fitr is celebrated on the first day of Shawwal, the 10th month of the Islamic lunar calendar. The festival holds great significance due to the tradition of moon sighting, which has been an integral part of Islamic culture for centuries. It is believed that Prophet Muhammad awaited news of sightings of the crescent moon as it marked the beginning of a new month.

In Mumbai’s Mohammed Ali Road, preparations are also underway for Eid-ul-Fitr. The atmosphere buzzes with excitement as people flock to shops to purchase sweets, dry fruits, and clothing in anticipation of the joyous occasion. Shopkeepers expressed their enthusiasm for Eid, highlighting the significance of the month of Ramzan and the special traditions associated with it. Sheer khurma, a special dish made with dates, milk, and vermicelli, is a popular delicacy enjoyed during Eid.