A rare event unfolded on July 29 at a mall in Dubai, where visitors witnessed the birth of a baby shark inside the Dubai Aquarium, one of the world’s largest suspended aquariums. The aquarium, managed by Emaar, celebrated this special occasion by sharing a video on Instagram that captures the “magical moment” of the newborn shark’s arrival.
The video reveals the remarkable scene of the baby shark emerging from its mother and gliding across the water’s surface before quickly moving to the other end of the aquarium. This extraordinary event has drawn significant attention, with the video amassing over 18,000 views, as well as numerous likes and comments from viewers expressing their awe.
Comments on the video highlight the excitement and wonder of the moment. Viewers described the event as “wholesome” and “beautiful,” with some sharing their experiences of seeing the baby shark in the aquarium. Others provided insights on the care needed for the young shark, noting the importance of moving it to a suitable environment to ensure its well-being.