Ayushmann Khurrana’s ‘Dream Girl 2’ had a dream run at the box office after its release. However, it is gradually slowing down in its collection now. Released in theatres on August 25, ‘Dream Girl 2’ is now inching closer towards the Rs 100-crore club. On September 4, the film’s total collection stood at Rs 88 crore. After a successful stint with ‘Dream Girl’ in 2019, Raaj Shaandilyaa directed its sequel, ‘Dream Girl 2’, in 2023. The film started off on a positive note by collecting a whopping Rs 10.69 crore in India. As per early trade estimates, ‘Dream Girl 2’ managed to earn Rs 2.75 crore on Day 11, September 4. It is a huge drop from its previous day’s collection of Rs 8 crore. Hence, ‘Dream Girl 2’s’ total collection now stands at Rs 88.91 crore net in India. It remains to be seen how the film would perform after Shah Rukh Khan’s ‘Jawan’ arrives in theatres on September 7. Meanwhile, ‘Dream Girl 2’ had an overall 14.05 per cent till now. The film is directed by Raaj Shaandilya and produced by Ektaa R Kapoor and Shobha Kapoor under the banner of Balaji Motion Pictures. Besides Ayushmann, the film also stars Ananya Panday, Paresh Rawal, Rajpal Yadav, Asrani, Vijay Raaz, Annu Kapoor, Seema Pahwa, Manoj Joshi, Abhishek Banerjee and Manjot Singh. Dream Girl 2’ traces the journey of a small-town boy Karam (played by Ayushmann Khurrana) who is trying to live a serious life in Mathura. He falls in love with Pari (played by Ananya Panday) but life is hell-bent on not taking him seriously. In a turn of events, Karam becomes Pooja, which creates further chaos in his already chaotic life.
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