Sonu, a resident of Sagar in Madhya Pradesh, has sparked chaos and fear in his community following a troubling change in behaviour after being bitten by a stray dog. Sonu, who works as a cleaner at the local vegetable market, was bitten about two weeks ago, and since then, his actions have become increasingly erratic and violent. Reports indicate that he has been attacking people in his neighbourhood and even consuming raw flesh, which has caused significant concern among locals.

Efforts have been made by traders at the market to address Sonu’s condition, including providing him with medical care and rabies vaccinations. However, his aggressive behavior persists, leading to heightened fear among the community. Mohammad Rashid, a vegetable seller, described how Sonu’s behavior took a disturbing turn after the dog bite, despite attempts by him and other market dealers to assist Sonu.

Another vendor, Narendra Thakur, reported that Sonu bit him while he was purchasing onions, prompting Thakur to seek medical treatment and a precautionary shot.

Dr. Sumit Rawat from Bundelkhand Medical College clarified that rabies does not spread from person to person, and he speculated that Sonu’s behavior might be linked to a psychological condition exacerbated by alcohol consumption rather than rabies. Dr. Rawat advised the public to maintain a safe distance from Sonu to prevent any further incidents.