Diljit Dosanjh recently reacted to the advisory issued ahead of his concert in Mumbai. Speaking candidly through an emotional video on Instagram, he told the audience that he had indeed requested his team if they’d face any issues the previous day. But instead of getting a response from them, the news woke him up-in the form of the advisory. Smiling, he reassured fans, saying, “All advisories are for me, but you’re here to have fun, and I’ll make sure you do.
Drawing inspiration from the mythological tale of Sagar Manthan, Diljit reflected on how Lord Shiva held poison in his throat without letting it affect him. He said this lesson taught him never to internalize the negativity life throws at you. “Mujhe toh yahi sikhne ko mila ki zindagi aur duniya aap pe jitna marzi zeher phenke woh isko kabhi bhi apne andar mat lejana (No matter how much poison people throw, don’t let it get inside you. Don’t let anything disturb your work or inner peace)” he advised.
Diljit added a humorous twist by mimicking a famous dialogue from Pushpa: The Rise and captioned his video, “The positive you see in me is a reflection of you.” On Instagram, he also posted snippets from his Mumbai tour, captioning it, “Mumbai I Rise Above Your Advice .
This isn’t the first time Diljit has faced advisories ahead of his shows—similar instances occurred before his concerts in Hyderabad and Chandigarh. Despite this, the singer continues to captivate fans on his Dil-Luminati India Tour, which began on October 26 in New Delhi. After electrifying performances in multiple cities, he will conclude the tour on December 29 in Guwahati. Diljit recently shared glimpses from his trip to Kashmir before his Mumbai show, showcasing the serene beauty of the region.
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